Celebration is Life's Frosting!

Celebration is Life's Frosting!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Is is Spring or is it Fall because I smell Pumpkin!

Yes, it is spring.
No, it does not feel like it at all.
Today,  wore sandals just because I felt it the right thing to do.
That being said, my feet were freezing because it feels like fall.
Therefore, I have decided to embrace fall with
Pumpkin Bread!
Nothing smells like fall like the smell of pumpkin muffins baking in the oven.
Yum, Yum, Yum!!

I will say that I did not come up with this recipe and I'm not really sure where it came from.
Sorry that I can not give credit where credit is due.
I will say that they are super yummy and worth the effort!

So even if it is supposedly Spring,
We can at least enjoy the bounty of a good harvest!
Life is short,
Eat Dessert First!

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