My Father-in-Law is a BIG Giants fan. When they won the playoff game and knew they were going to the Super Bowl, my husband asked me to make his father a cake. Sure!
I will tell you what I did and what I would do differently.
I made the face mask in advance. I luckily made a spare as my first one did break. I rolled fondant and created the curved face mask by having them dry on wax paper on a round jar. I think next time though that I would wrap the fondant around wire or a straw to give them more durability.
First I started off with two two-layer chocolate cakes. I filled them with buttercream. I then stacked the cakes. One thing that I did though was to put the top two layer cake on a much smaller cake circle. Then I carved and carved and then carved some more. The trick here is to take your time, because once you cut the cake off, you can't put it easily back. I did not carve out the front of the helmet at this time.
Then I dirty iced it. Looked at the shape and touched up with any spots that I felt needed more carving. Then place your face mask in the front on your cake and trace out how big you face opening should be. Carve a small indentation for the front of your cake. It helps if you have a visual of what your are working towards at this point.
Then the front opening with black fondant to create the illusion of an empty helmet. Then roll out your fondant, cover your cake and add helmet details.
Don't forget the back of your helmet either.
You also need to roll out fondant for the padding around the face mask. Finally attach your face mask by putting it in front of your helmet. Your face mask does not actually touch your cake, but you add extra fondant to make it appear that it is attached.
One thing that I would do differently is attach the strap to the cake BEFORE you do the face mask.
Just remember to have fun and it's only cake!!
Life is short!
Eat Dessert first!!